- handbook
- Company
- Company
- Board
- Communications
- Decision making
- Guides
- KPIs and OKRs
- principles
- Remote Work
- Security
- Asset Management Policy
- Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Policy
- Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
- Operations Security Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Third-Party Risk Management Policy
- Human Resources Security Policy
- Access Control Policy
- Incident Response Plan
- Cryptography Policy
- Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Policy
- Secure Development Policy
- Data Management Policy
- strategy
- values
- Operations
- Product
- Feedback
- Market Segments
- Metrics
- Node-RED Dashboard
- personas
- Pricing Principles
- Principles
- Responsibilities
- Strategy
- Versioning
- Customer department
- Customer
- Customer Success
- flowfuseforeducation
- Hubspot
- Marketing
- How we work
- Marketing
- Video
- Customer Stories
- Social Media
- Community
- Marketing - Website
- FlowFuse Messaging
- blog
- Lead Generation
- Webinars
- Sales
- Engineering & Design Practices
- Design
- Engineering
- Certified Nodes
- Contributing
- Front End
- Packaging Guidelines
- Platform Ops
- Deployment
- Incident Response
- Observability
- Production Environment
- FlowFuse Dedicated
- Staging Environment
- Project Management
- Releases
- Security Policy
- tools
- Website A/B Testing
- Internal Operations
- People Ops
# Demo
This document explains the process of delivering a sales demo of the features of FlowFuse. It is not intended to cover all features but to give potential customers a good understanding of FlowFuse's value.
# Setup - Before the demo
Before we begin a sales demo we need to set up an environment. Make sure you are already logged into your flowforge account (@flowfuse.com email) on production, not as an administrator.
Create a new team for this demo, you need to do this before the demo so that you don’t have to show your credit card details on screen. After creating the team, apply this coupon to your newly created team. On the stripe team page, click "Actions" > "Apply Coupon".
Please also make this team your 'default team' under your user settings.
Create one instance called ‘Central-
Make sure you have an example device ready, [install the latest device agent/docs/device-agent/introduction/). Do not yet install the device within FlowFuse, that's done during the demo using the web ui.
cd /tmp
mkdir demo-<company-name>
cd demo-<company-name>
flowforge-device-agent -d . --ui --ui-user foo --ui-pass bar
# Live Demo
# Key Terminology
# Features to cover:
- Remote Device Management
- Dashboards
- DevOps Pipeline
- High Availability
- Database integration
- Persistent context & storage
- Team Management & Library
# Housekeeping
Once the demo is complete ensure you delete all devices, instances, applications and finally the team you created.