Markdown Guide

This is a very short reference guide for those trying to write Markdown. For more comprehensive guides, we recommend looking at:

# First-Tier Header
## Second-Tier Header
### Third-Tier Header
#### Fourth-Tier Header


Hello There, this is a paragraph that is split over multiple lines in the source, but displays as a single formatted paragraph.

To start a new paragraph, we separate it with a blank line from the previous paragraph.

Hello There, this is a paragraph that is split over
multiple lines in the source, but displays as a single
formatted paragraph.

To start a new paragraph, we separate it with a blank line
from the previous paragraph.

List - Bullet Points

  • this is a bullet point list
  • this is another item in the list
- this is a bullet point list
- this is another item in the list

List - Numbered

  1. this is a numbered list
  2. this is another item in the list
1. this is a numbered list
2. this is another item in the list

To prevent reordering and keeping count, Markdown allows you to use non-sequencial numbers:

1. Item one
1. Item two
  1. Item one
  2. Item two

Text Format - Italic

this will be italic

*this will be italic*

Text Format - Italic

this will be bold

**this will be bold**

this will be a link

[this will be a link](


A picture speaks a thousand words, to include an image in your content it's like a link but with an ! in front of it.

![Image Name](image.jpg "alt text when you hover the image")


this will quote some text

> this will quote some text

Code Example

For inline quoting, use single backticks:

For `inline` quoting, use single backticks.

For block quotes, use tripple backticks:

this will write the content as if it is code
this will write the content as if it is code

Add syntax highlighting by defining the language, for example:

console.log("Hello, world!")
console.log("Hello, world!")