PeopleOps policies

All employees at FlowFuse will find PeopleOps policies in this section of the handbook. Please note that this section of the handbook will be continuously updated to reflect the evolving needs of our organization. As FlowFuse is actively in the process of developing and incorporating additional policies, we encourage you to check back regularly for the latest updates. Your familiarity with these policies ensures that you stay informed and aligned with our company's values and practices.

Grievance Procedure

We're all about making FlowFuse an great place to work for everyone. However, if you ever run into any concerns while you're here, these guidelines are here to help you out in raising a grievance.

This procedure applies to all employees and full-time contractors regardless of length of service. It does not apply to ad-hoc freelancers.

Step 1: Informal Resolution

Should an employee have a grievance, we encourage them to first attempt an informal resolution by discussing the matter with their immediate manager. If your manager is not aware or if the matter requires escalation, our CEO is available to assist. This step is intended to achieve a swift and amicable resolution.

Step 2: Submitting Grievance via Email

If the employee is not satisfied with the result of the informal resolution or is hesitant to approach their immediate manager, they can escalate the matter by sending a formal grievance via email to the CEO. The email should comprehensively outline the problem, include pertinent details, and provide any available evidence that support the grievance.

Step 3: Investigation

Upon receipt of a formal grievance, the CEO will initiate an unbiased investigation. This might entail conversations with the concerned employee, pertinent witnesses, and a review of relevant documentation.

Step 4: Resolution

After the investigation, the CEO will focus on finding a fitting solution. This might include making things right, changing policies, or taking other steps to address the concern. FlowFuse aims to provide a solution within 10 days from when the employee submits their first formal grievance. Please be aware that sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can cause delays in the investigation. However, rest assured that FlowFuse is committed to resolving it as soon as possible.

Step 5: Appeal

If the grievance has not been resolved to your satisfaction you may appeal in writing an email to the CEO, stating your full grounds of appeal including any additional information or arguments, within one week of the date on which the decision was sent or given to you.

Step 6: Final Review

We'll schedule an appeal meeting, typically within two weeks of receiving your appeal. This meeting will be conducted impartially by someone who was not previously engaged with the case. Following the appeal hearing, we'll provide our final decision, usually within one week. Unfortunately, there won't be any additional opportunity for appeal beyond this point.


FlowFuse is firmly committed to preserving the confidentiality of all parties involved throughout the grievance process. This commitment holds while conducting a comprehensive investigation and implementing any required corrective actions.


FlowFuse strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against employees who raise grievances in good faith. Any acts of retaliation will be treated as distinct violations of company policy.

This Grievance Policy is designed to ensure that employee concerns are treated fairly and promptly. FlowFuse is unwavering in its dedication to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace and will consistently refine its policies and practices based on feedback and evolving industry standards.

Underperformance Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish a clear and consistent process for addressing employee underperformance in a timely and effective manner. This policy is designed to ensure that all employees are aware of FlowFuse's expectations and have the opportunity to improve their performance.

Addressing underperformance effectively and promptly is crucial for building a high-performing team and is instrumental to the company's overall success.

Defining underperformance

Underperformance is defined as failure to meet the company's expectations for performance, conduct, or attendance. It can manifest in various ways, including, but not limited to:

  1. Failing to meet job expectations. This encompasses not achieving set goals, targets, or objectives, consistently producing substandard work, or lacking the necessary skills or expertise to perform assigned tasks effectively.
  2. Inconsistent or unpredictable performance. Fluctuating performance levels, demonstrating occasional bursts of good work followed by periods of subpar performance, or failing to maintain a consistent level of work quality can indicate underperformance.
  3. Negative work attitude or demeanor. A consistently negative attitude, displaying disinterest or apathy towards work, exhibiting poor teamwork skills, or creating a disruptive work environment can be considered underperformance.
  4. Attendance issues. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness without valid reasons can signal underperformance, as it disrupts workflow and impacts productivity.
  5. Non-compliance with company policies. Failure to adhere to company policies, procedures, or ethical standards can constitute underperformance, as it undermines the company's culture and values.

It's important to note that underperformance is not limited to a single category; it can be a combination of factors that hinder an employee's ability to contribute effectively to the organization.

Identification of Underperformance

Either the manager or the employee in questions can identify underperformance. Identification is always discussed in the first 1:1 meeting between the manager and employee. The manager is tasked with with addressing the underperformance, and may formulate a plan to remedy the situation. All plans cover at most the next four weeks.

When the employee self identified underperformance, the manager must create a plan for at least the next two weeks.

All cases of underperformance must be documented by the manager through email to the CEO and CTO with the timespan of a potential plan created by the employee's manager.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

After the plan formulated by the manager has not returned the employee to performance that is considered on par with the expectations of their role the CEO and manager will create a PIP for the employee.

A PIP is a genuine opportunity from FlowFuse to the employee to get where they need to be. While other companies use PIPs solely to provide the legal documentation for termination, at FlowFuse a PIP is intended to set the bar for both the manager and employee and have transparency around expected performance.

The PIP will outline the specific areas of underperformance, the specific steps the employee must take to improve, and the timeline for improvement. The employee will be required to sign the PIP and agree to its terms.

If an employee has been on a PIP before and for the same reasons enters this stage of the underperformance policy again the CEO and manager can opt for not providing a PIP. This ensures that a PIP is a genuine change.


If an employee's performance does not improve, or if they violate the terms of their PIP, they may be terminated. Termination will be based on a documented pattern of underperformance or unacceptable behavior.

CEO underperformance

As with all employees in the company the CEO can underperform. Generally speaking the CEO does get performance reviews, though these are provided by the Board of Directors.

All employees are free to provide feedback or input to the board of directors through email. This venue is to be used in all cases where you'd usually also go to someone's manager to discuss a reports underperformance. It's advised not to include the CEO in such an email.

If the board agrees with the CEO underperforming a seperate process will be followed tailored to the sitation and the bylaws of FlowFuse.