- handbook
- Company
- Company
- Board
- Communications
- Decision making
- Guides
- KPIs and OKRs
- principles
- Remote Work
- Security
- Asset Management Policy
- Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Policy
- Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
- Operations Security Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Third-Party Risk Management Policy
- Human Resources Security Policy
- Incident Response Plan
- Cryptography Policy
- Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Policy
- Secure Development Policy
- Data Management Policy
- Access Control Policy
- strategy
- values
- Operations
- Product
- Feedback
- Market Segments
- Metrics
- Node-RED Dashboard
- personas
- Pricing Principles
- Principles
- Responsibilities
- Strategy
- Versioning
- Customer department
- Customer
- Customer Success
- flowfuseforeducation
- Hubspot
- Marketing
- How we work
- Marketing
- Video
- Customer Stories
- Social Media
- Community
- Marketing - Website
- blog
- Lead Generation
- Webinars
- FlowFuse Messaging
- Sales
- Engineering & Design Practices
- Design
- Engineering
- Certified Nodes
- Contributing
- Front End
- Packaging Guidelines
- Platform Ops
- Deployment
- Incident Response
- Observability
- Production Environment
- FlowFuse Dedicated
- Staging Environment
- Project Management
- Releases
- Security Policy
- Team NPM Registry
- tools
- Website A/B Testing
- Internal Operations
- People Ops
# Data at FlowFuse
At FlowFuse we're trying to leverage data obtained to make better decisions.
# Data sources
- Telemetry from self-managed installations
- Hubspot
- Analytics - Google Analytics and PostHog
# Data visualization
FlowFuse uses our own Dashboard to obtain insights from the data.
# Determine which Instances are on which Kubernetes Nodes
From time to time it will be required to migrate Instances from certain Kubernetes nodes as we upgrade the cluster. The following command can be run by a cluster admin to get the list of Instances on a given node group (in this case the node group name is instance-t4g-static-23
for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l alpha.eksctl.io/nodegroup-name=instance-t4g-static-23 --no-headers | cut -d " " -f1) ; do kubectl get pods -n flowforge --no-headers --field-selector spec.nodeName=${node} -o json | jq '.items[].spec | .containers[].env[] | select(.name == "FORGE_PROJECT_ID") | .value' ; done