- handbook
- Company
- Company
- Board
- Communications
- Decision making and project management
- Guides
- KPIs and OKRs
- principles
- Remote Work
- Security
- Asset Management Policy
- Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Policy
- Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
- Operations Security Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Third-Party Risk Management Policy
- Human Resources Security Policy
- Incident Response Plan
- Cryptography Policy
- Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Policy
- Secure Development Policy
- Data Management Policy
- Access Control Policy
- strategy
- values
- Operations
- Product
- Feedback
- Market Segments
- Metrics
- Node-RED Dashboard
- personas
- Pricing Principles
- Principles
- Responsibilities
- Strategy
- Versioning
- Customer department
- Customer
- Customer Success
- flowfuseforeducation
- Hubspot
- Marketing
- How we work
- Marketing
- Video
- Customer Stories
- Social Media
- Community
- Marketing - Website
- blog
- Lead Generation
- Webinars
- FlowFuse Messaging
- Sales
- Engineering & Design Practices
- Design
- Engineering
- Certified Nodes
- Contributing
- Front End
- Packaging Guidelines
- Platform Ops
- Deployment
- Incident Response
- Observability
- Production Environment
- FlowFuse Dedicated
- Staging Environment
- Project Management
- Releases
- Security Policy
- Team NPM Registry
- tools
- Website A/B Testing
- Internal Operations
- People Ops
# Digital Ocean Release Process
When a release is tagged in the Digital Ocean repository a GitHub Action will run and rebuild the image.
Once complete the Release Manager should post to the #dev slack chanel to ask somebody with Digital Ocean access to do the following steps.
- Log into the FlowFuse team on Digital Ocean
- Navigate to the "Images" section, from the "Manage" options in the left hand menu
- Select the new image from the "Droplets" list and click on "More"
- Select the "Update Marketplace 1-Click App"
- Update the version numbers and any documentation in the Marketplace form
- Submit the new image for review, this will take 3-4 days before the new version is on the Market Place