Getting Started with FlowFuse

This guide will help you learn how to use the FlowFuse platform to quickly create new Node-RED applications after a successful installation or sign-up for FlowFuse Cloud.

Creating a Node-RED Instance

  1. Automatic Creation: Your first Node-RED instance should be automatically created upon your initial login to FlowFuse. To access the Node-RED Editor, simply click on Open Editor.

    Open Editor

  2. Additional Instance: For utilizing various other FlowFuse features (e.g., DevOps Pipelines), it's highly beneficial to create a second Node-RED instance. A second Node-RED instance is included in both our Starter Tier and the Trial Phase of FlowFuse Cloud. To do so, select your application— in our example, "Demo's Application"— and click Add Instance.

    Add Instance

Learn more about Instances

  1. Blueprint selection: When creating a new Node-RED instance, you have the option to choose a blueprint tailored for specific use cases. For example, our "ANDON Operator Terminal" blueprint can be selected, and it will automatically configure the Node-RED instance, sparing you the need to start from scratch. While these templates are powerful out-of-the-box, they're also fully customizable, allowing you to tweak them to suit your unique requirements. Ultimately, blueprints speed up the learning curve for new users and expedite the solution-building process for experienced ones.

Blueprint selection

NOTE: Some blueprints may only be available on certain tiers

Creating Your First Flow

FlowFuse published an eBook on Node-RED development, which is a great resources when you're new to Node-RED. You can also read our blog post on creating your first flow.

Creating Your First DevOps Pipeline

DevOps Pipelines enable you to link multiple Node-RED instances together in a deployment pipeline.

  1. Add a Pipeline: Select your application and click Add Pipeline.

    Add Pipeline

  2. Name Your Pipeline: Enter a suitable name.

  3. Add Stages: You can now add stages to your pipeline. In our example, we add a Development Stage and a Production Stage.

  4. Execute the Pipeline: It is now easy to execute the pipeline with one click, promoting your recently created flow to your Production Node-RED instance.

    Execute Pipeline

Learn more about DevOps Pipelines

Working with Devices

FlowFuse supports managing Node-RED on your own hardware.

Working with Teams

Working with Files and Context

FlowFuse supports reading and writing persistent files and persistent context.

Working with Instances

Working with MQTT

  • Team Broker - Working with the FlowFuse bundled MQTT Broker

Working with Custom Nodes