Getting Started with Team Broker

When FlowFuse is deployed with an Enterprise license from v2.11.0 onwards comes with the option to enable a MQTT broker for each Team.

This is a single shared MQTT broker, but each team has their own separate topic space and the ability to provision credentials for clients.

Creating Clients

When creating clients you can specify a username, it will prepended to the the Team's id e.g. alice will become alice@32E4NEO5pY.

This username should also be used as the MQTT Client ID in order to connect to the broker. Examples of how to do this are in the next section.

Create Broker Client

Connecting to the Broker

The broker for FlowFuse Cloud is available on and supports the following connection types:

  • MQTT on port 1883
  • MQTT over TLS on port 8883
  • MQTT over secure WebSockets on port 443

For Self Hosted instances, please ask your Administrator for hostname and ports.

You can connect to the broker using any MQTT client, for example mosquitto_sub

mosquitto_sub -u "alice@32E4NEO5pY" -i "alice@32E4NEO5pY" -P "password" -h -t "#"

Or in Node-RED as follows

Node-RED MQTT Client Connection

Node-RED MQTT Client Security