Instance Settings

The Instance Settings allow you to customize many aspects of your Node-RED runtime.

Instance Settings are split into a number of sections:


This section includes several actions you can take on the instance:

Change Stack

The Stack determines the version of Node-RED being used. If a new stack is available, you can use this option to update your stack.

Copy Instance

This allows you to create a copy of the instance in your team.

Import Instance

This allows you to take existing Node-RED flow and credential files and import them into your instance.

Suspend Instance

This stops the instance entirely.

Delete Instance

If you're sure you don't want the instance anymore, this allows you to delete it. You cannot undo deleting an instance. Devices assigned to the instance will be unassigned from the instance and available to be reassigned to a new instance.


This allows you to manage the environment variables. More information on working with environment variables is available here.

High Availability

This allows you to manage the HA settings of the instance. High Availability is a Preview Feature. More information is available here.


This covers many options to customize the Node-RED editor. This includes:

  • Disabling the editor entirely
  • Modifying the paths the editor and dashboard are served on
  • Choosing which code editor to use in your Node-RED nodes
  • Setting a custom title for the editor
  • Choosing a light or dark theme for the editor
  • Controlling the runtime timezone
  • Controlling the use of node modules in function nodes


This allows you to modify the security settings of the runtime. In particular this covers the security applied to any HTTP routes served by the runtime.


The default option is not to apply any security - so any HTTP In nodes, or Node-RED Dashboard can be accessed by anyone.

Basic Authentication

You can optionally enable Basic Authentication, with a single hardcoded username and password.

FlowFuse User Authentication

Alternatively, with a licensed instance of FlowFuse, you can require anyone accessing those routes to be logged into FlowFuse. The hosted pages or API endpoints are only available for FlowFuse users who have access to the team on FlowFuse and the cloud instance.

If using FlowFuse user Authentication you can also generate HTTP Bearer tokens that can be used to access APIs hosted in Instances with HTTP-in/HTTP-response nodes.

More information on using HTTP Access Tokens can be found here.


This allows you to manage what extra nodes are installed inside Node-RED, as well as any restrictions you want to apply to the Palette Manager within Node-RED.

It includes the option to add extra Node-RED Catalogue URLs and a .npmrc file that will be deployed to the instance. Details of the .npmrc format can be found here


Alerts are a feature designed to provide email notifications based on specific Auditlog events. This functionality ensures prompt awareness and response to critical events.

Users can configure alerts for the following Auditlog events:

  • Node-RED has crashed
  • Node-RED has been placed in Safe Mode

When configuring alerts, you can choose the recipients of these notifications:

  • Team Owners
  • Team Members
  • Both Owners and Members