Docker Install

This version of the FlowFuse platform is intended for running in the Docker Container management system. Typically suited for small/medium on premise deployments.



The following instructions assume you are running Docker on a Linux or MacOS host system.

Digital Ocean

If you are using the Digital Ocean Docker Droplet to host FlowFuse you will need to ensure that port 80 & 443 are opened in the UFW firewall before starting.

sudo ufw apply http
sudo ufw apply https

We have a 1-Click Digital Ocean Droplet that will install and configure FlowFuse for you. Details can be found here

Docker Compose

FlowFuse uses Docker Compose to install and manage the required components. Instructions on how to install Docker Compose on your system can be found here:

FlowFuse requires docker-compose v2


The orchestration uses an instance of Nginx to route requests to each Node-RED instance. To do this it needs each instance to have a unique hostname, to generate this the instance name is prepended to a supplied domain.

To make this work you will need to configure a DNS server to map a wildcard domain entry to the IP address of the host running Docker. e.g *

The FlowFuse Application will be hosted on

Note When testing locally you can add entries for each Node-RED instance to your /etc/hosts file but you must use the external IP address of the host machine, not the loopback address (

Notes on how to setup DNS can be found here.

Installing FlowFuse


Download the latest release tar.gz from the docker-compose project:

Unpack this and cd into the created directory.

tar zxf v1.x.y.tar.gz
cd docker-compose-1.x.y

Configuring FlowFuse

Configuration details are stored in the etc/flowforge.yml and the docker-compose.yml files.

  1. Edit etc/flowforge.yml file and update the following parameters:
  • domain
  • base_url
  • broker.public_url

These will need to be updated to replace with the domain you chose earlier.

Example with Domain setup as *

api_url: http://forge:3000
  url: mqtt://flowforge-broker:1883
  public_url: ws://

Please note that once set, the domain and base_url values should not be changed as these values are used as part of the configuration stored in the database of each Node-RED instance. The ability to migrate domains is on the feature backlog.

  1. Edit docker-compose.yml:
  • LETSENCRYPT_HOST (if leveraging HTTPS in next steps)

These will need to be updated to replace with the domain you chose earlier.

Example with Domain setup as *

    - ""
    - ""

For more details on the options available, see the configuration guide.

HTTPS (optional)

If you want to serve the forge app and Node-RED via SSL you will need to obtain a wildcard TLS certificate for the domain you are using eg * If you are running on an Internet facing machine you can use the LetsEncrypt acme-companion.

Otherwise you will need to contact a SSL Certificate vendor and configure Nginx manually.

Let's Encrypt

In the docker-compose.yml file, uncomment the following lines

- "./certs:/etc/nginx/certs"
- "443:443"
image: nginxproxy/acme-companion
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
- "./acme:/etc/"
- nginx:rw
- ""
- "nginx"

If you wish to redirect all traffic to use HTTPS then add the following section to the nginx service on docker-compose.yml

- "HTTPS_METHOD=redirect"

Then, in the docker-compose.yml file, edit the following lines added your domain and email address

- ""
- ""
- ""

You will also need to update the etc/flowforge.yml file to change base_url from starting with http:// to https:// and the broker.public_url entry from starting with ws:// to wss://.

Wildcard TLS Certificate

Create a folder in the docker-compose-1.x.0 directory named certs, place your .crt and .key files in there, they should be named for the domain without the * eg & You also need to create a copy of the .crt and .key files named default.crt & default.key in the same folder. This is used for serving unknown hosts.

If the base_url is not in the same domain as the Node-RED instances, you should also create a copy of the crt & key files matching the hostname for the forge app.

In the docker-compose.yml file,

  • uncomment the line
-   "443:443"
  • Add this line to the volumes section of the nginx proxy
- "./certs:/etc/nginx/certs"

If you wish to redirect all traffic to use HTTPS then add the following section to the nginx service on docker-compose.yml

- "HTTPS_METHOD=redirect"

You will also need to update the etc/flowforge.yml file to change the broker.public_url entry from starting with ws:// to wss://.

Running FlowFuse

Note: Make sure all configuration are done above before proceeding. Configuration in etc/flowforge.yml for domain and base_url should not be changed.

We need to manually download the flowfuse/node-red container that will be used for the default stack.

This is done with this command:

docker pull flowfuse/node-red

Once that completes we can start FlowFuse:

Using the docker compose plugin

docker compose -p flowforge up -d

Or using the docker-compose command

docker-compose -p flowforge up -d

This will also create a directory called db to hold the database files used to store Node-RED instance and user information.

First Run Setup

The first time you access the platform in your browser, it will take you through creating an administrator for the platform and other configuration options.

For more information, follow this guide.

Once you have finished setting up the admin user there are some Docker specific items to consider.

Using FlowFuse File Storage

Node-RED instances running in Docker do not have direct access to a persistent file system to store files or use for storing context data.

FlowFuse includes a File Storage service that can be enabled to provide persistent storage.

Disabling the default File nodes

To remove the default Node-RED file nodes from the palette:

  1. Edit the Template to add 10-file.js,23-watch.js to the "Exclude nodes by filename" section

Configuring the File Storage service

Full details on configuring the file storage service are available here.

Enabling the File Storage service

To enable the FlowFuse File Storage component add the following to the etc/flowforge.yml file:

enabled: true


  • Stop the existing instance with
    docker-compose -p flowforge down
  • Download the latest Source code tar.gz here
  • Uncompress the tar file: tar -xzvf v2.y.y.tar.gz. A new directory should appear docker-compose-2.y.y
  • Pull the latest version of the containers from Docker hub
    • docker pull flowfuse/forge-docker
    • docker pull flowfuse/node-red
    • docker pull flowfuse/file-server
  • Copy the db (and the certs & acme if using HTTPS certs) directory from the old version directory to the new (this will probably require root due to file ownership)
    sudo cp -r docker-compose-x.x.x/db docker-compose-y.y.y/db
  • Compare the old docker-compose.yml to the version supplied with the new version, copy over any changes made, e.g. enabling HTTPS/TLS Certificates and setting the VIRUAL_HOST environment variables Ensure the new container names are used starting with flowfuse/ not flowforge/
  • Compare the old flowforge.yml to the new version, and copy over variables specific to your set-up: url, broker, etc.
  • Start the new version in the new directory
    docker-compose -p flowforge up -d