Docker Install

This guide walks you through detailed set up of FlowFuse Platform on a Docker container envoronment using Docker Compose. Typically suited for small/medium on premise deployments. By the end, you will have a fully functioning FlowFuse instance running in a Docker container.

The following guide walks through a full production-ready deployment. If you want to install FlowFuse for evaluation purposes, please refer to the Quick Start Guide.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Domain Name & DNS: A domain name that you own and can configure DNS settings for (explained in DNS)
  2. Install Docker: Docker Engine and Docker Compose (in 2.23.1 version or higher) must be installed on your system (either as a standalone binary or as docker plugin).

For a production-ready environment, we also recommend:

  • Database: Prepare dedicated database on a external database server (see FAQ for more details)
  • TLS Certification: Prepare TLS certificate for your domain and configure FlowFuse platform to use it (see Enable HTTPS)


The orchestration uses an instance of Nginx to route requests to each Node-RED instance. To do this it needs each instance to have a unique hostname, to generate this the instance name is prepended to a supplied domain.

To make this work you will need to configure a DNS server to map a wildcard domain entry to the IP address of the host running Docker. e.g *

The FlowFuse Application will be hosted on

Note At this moment FlowFuse platform is not capable to run on localhost. You must point your domain to the external IP address of the host machine, not the loopback address (

Notes on how to setup DNS can be found here.

Installing FlowFuse

Download installation files

Download the latest version of the FlowFuse Docker Compose file and example .env file used for installation configuration:

curl -L -o docker-compose.yml
curl -o .env


Installation configuration is done via the .env file. The minimal configuration required is the domain name you will be using for the platform.

Edit downloaded .env file with the editor of your choice and update the DOMAIN variable with the domain you will be using for the platform.

Alternatevily, use sed to update the DOMAIN variable in the .env file:

sed -i 's/^DOMAIN=.*/' .env

Please note that once set, the DOMAIN value should not be changed as it is used as part of the configuration stored in the database of each Node-RED instance. The ability to migrate to different domain is on the feature backlog.

Enable HTTPS (optional)

If you want to serve the FlowFuse platform and Node-RED instances over TLS you will need to obtain a wildcard TLS certificate for the domain you are using eg * If you are running on an Internet facing machine you can use our configuration files to generate it atomatically.

Otherwise you will need to contact a SSL Certificate vendor and configure Nginx manually.

Automatic TLS Certificate

Note: Automatic TLS generation is possible only for the publicly available servers

In the .env file, set the TLS_ENABLED variable to true:


Proceed to the next paragraph to start the platform with automatically generated TLS certificate.

When using automatic TLS certificate generation, the platform will take a few minutes to generate them on the first platform startup. For a short period of time browsers may report untrusted certificate warning. This is expected behavior and should resolve itself once the certificate is generated.

Custom TLS Certificate

If you have own TLS certificate, you can use it in FlowFuse platform installation as well. As mentioned before, the certificate must be a wildcard one for the domain you are using.

To configure FlowFuse platform with your certificate, you need to have:

  • certificate key file
  • certificate's full chain (server certificate and intermediate certificates bundled into single file)

To add your certificate to the platform, edit the .env file downloaded earlier and set values for TLS_ENABLED, TLS_CERTIFICATE and TLS_KEY variables. TLS_ENABLED variable should be set to true. TLS_CERTIFICATE should contain the full chain of the certificate while TLS_KEY should contain the key file. Example of .env file with the custom TLS certificate configuration:



If you are using a private Certificate Authority then you will also need to tell the Node-RED instances to trust this CA. You can do this by includeing the DOCKER_DRIVER_PRIVATE_CA_PATH value in .env file. e.g. if the ca.pem file is located at /usr/local/ssl/ca.pem on the host machine


Start FlowFuse platform

Note: Make sure all configuration are done above before proceeding.

Note: Commands must be executed within the same directory where the Docker Compose and .env files are located.

With automatic TLS certificate generation

docker compose --profile autotls -p flowfuse up -d

In all other scenarios, including custom TLS certificate

docker compose -p flowfuse up -d

The platform will take a few minutes to start up. You can check the status of the containers by running:

docker compose -p flowfuse ps

Visit (replace with the domain configured in the .env file) in your browser to access the FlowFuse platform.

First Run Setup

The first time you access the platform in your browser, it will take you through creating an administrator for the platform and other configuration options.

For more information, follow this guide.

Once you have finished setting up the admin user there are some Docker specific items to consider.


Note: If you are upgrading from version 2.10.0 or lower, please follow this guide

  1. Find the Docker Compose project name:
    docker compose ls
    The output will show the project name, as well as the location of Docker Compose file used for creating the project.
  2. Stop the existing project (replace $projectName with your project name):
    docker compose -p $projectName down --rmi all
  3. Download the latest Docker Compose files:
    curl -L -o docker-compose.yml
  4. Make sure the .env file is present and contains your installaction-specific configuration. Download an example .env file if needed:
    curl -o .env.example
  5. Start the project depending on the TLS configuration (replace $projectName with your project name):
  • automatic TLS:
    docker compose --profile autossl -p $projectName up -d
  • any other scenario:
    docker compose -p $projectName up -d

Common Questions

How to use external database server?

FlowFuse platform uses PostgreSQL database to store its data. By default, the database is created and managed by the Docker Compose. If you want to use an external database server, you need to:

  • on your database server, create flowforge and ff-context databases as well as a user with access to both of them (see configs.postgres_db_setup and configs.postgres_context_setup in the docker-compose.yml file for the reference)
  • configure the connection to the database in the .env file. Set the DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD variables to the connection details of the external database server

Once ready, start the application .

How can I provide my own TLS certificate?

If you have your own TLS certificate, you can use it in FlowFuse platform installation as well. See Enable HTTPS section for more details.

I would like to invite my team members to the platform with e-mail, how can I do that?

In order to configure FlowFuse platform with external e-mail server, you need to adjust EMAIL_* variables in the .env file. Find the .env file end edit Email configuration section with following details:

  • EMAIL_ENABLED - set to true to enable e-mail functionality
  • EMAIL_HOST - provide SMTP server host
  • EMAIL_PORT - provide SMTP server port (default is 587)
  • EMAIL_SECURE - set to true if the connection should be secured
  • EMAIL_USER - provide SMTP server username
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD - provide SMTP for the user defined in EMAIL_USER

Restart the core application to apply the changes:

docker compose restart forge

Connection Refused error

After starting the platform, I can't access it in the browser - I see "Connection Refused error"

If you are using the Digital Ocean Docker Droplet to host FlowFuse you will need to ensure that port 80 & 443 are opened in the UFW firewall before starting.

FlowFuse platform is running on ports 80 and 443, so you need to open these ports in the firewall. Below are examples of commands to open these ports:


sudo ufw apply http
sudo ufw apply https


sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Windows (command prompt):

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 443" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=443

Windows (PowerShell):

New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName 'WSL 8080TCP' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 8080 -Action Allow -Protocol TCP
New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName 'WSL 8080TCP' -Direction Outbound -LocalPort 8080 -Action Allow -Protocol TCP

I installed FlowFuse on Windows with WSL2, application is running but I can't access it in the browser

Next to opening the ports in the firewall, you need to configure port forwarding from Windows host to WSL2 server.

To forward traffic from an external IP to your container, run the following PowerShell command (administrator privileges required):

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress= connectport=80 connectaddress=

This command forwards traffic from port 80 on your external IP address to port 80 on your localhost, where the Nginx Proxy container is listening for connections.

How can I enable persistent storage for Node-RED instances?

Node-RED instances running in Docker do not have direct access to a persistent file system to store files or use for storing context data.

FlowFuse includes a File Storage service that can be enabled to provide persistent storage.

To disable the default File nodes, edit the Template and add 10-file.js,23-watch.js to the "Exclude nodes by filename" section

FlowFuse Docker Compose files includes FlowFuse File Storage component by default and starts it along with the platform.

Full details on configuring the File Storage service are available here.


  • Bring the services down with docker compose -p flowfuse down -v (note the extra -v to delete all the volumes, only include this if you do not want to reuse this install)
  • Use docker images to list container images
  • Use docker rmi [imagename]:[tag] to remove all images that start with flowfuse/