- docs
- FlowFuse User Manuals
- Using FlowFuse
- Getting Started
- Static asset service
- Bill of Materials
- FlowFuse Concepts
- Changing the Stack
- Custom Hostnames
- Custom Node Packages
- Device Groups
- DevOps Pipelines
- Environment Variables
- FlowFuse Assistant
- FlowFuse File Nodes
- FlowFuse Project Nodes
- High Availability mode
- HTTP Access Tokens
- Instance Settings
- Logging
- persistent-context
- Shared Team Library
- Snapshots
- Team Broker
- Teams
- User Settings
- FlowFuse API
- Migrating a Node-RED project to FlowFuse
- Device Agent
- Device Agent
- FlowFuse Device Agent Introduction
- Quick Start
- Installation
- Register your Remote Instance
- Running the Agent
- Deploying your Flows
- Hardware Guides
- FlowFuse Cloud
- FlowFuse Cloud
- FlowFuse Self-Hosted
- Quick Start
- Installing FlowFuse
- Overview
- Configuring FlowFuse
- DNS Setup
- Docker install
- Docker from AWS Market Place
- Docker on Digital Ocean
- Add Project Stacks on Docker
- Docker Engine on Windows
- Email configuration
- First Run Setup
- FlowFuse File Storage
- Install FlowFuse on Kubernetes
- Upgrading FlowFuse
- Administering FlowFuse
- Administering FlowFuse
- Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Licensing
- Monitoring
- Telemetry
- User Management
- Support
- Community Support
- Premium Support
- Debugging Node-RED issues
- Contributing
- Contributing to FlowFuse
- Introduction
- Adding Template Settings
- API Design
- Creating debug stack containers
- Database migrations
- FlowFuse Architecture
- Local Install
- State Flows
- Device Editor
- Invite External Users
- User Login Flows
- Reset Password Flow
- Project Creation
- Instance states
- User Sign up Flow
- Team creation Flow
- Team Broker
- Working with Feature Flags
# ctrlX Device Agent App
Currently not available - will be available soon
# Installation Procedure
In the ctrlX CORE web interface, navigate to the window Settings ➔ Apps.
Switch the ctrlX device to the Service mode.
In the app overview, navigate to the category Available apps. This category displays all apps saved in the app storage on the ctrlX device and all apps provided via the ctrlX Store.
Search for the FlowFuse Device Agent ctrlX App to be installed and click on the Installation button. If multiple app versions are provided for installation, a list of available versions and app sources will be displayed. In this case, select the desired app version from the list to start the installation. If only one app version is provided, the installation will start directly. After the installation, the app will be shown in the app overview, under the category Installed apps.
Switch the ctrlX device back to the Operating mode.
# Device Agent Configuration for ctrlX
After successful installation, generate and download the "Device Credentials" in FlowFuse
In the ctrlX CORE web interface, navigate to the window Settings ➔ Apps ➔ Manage App Data
Select the folder "FlowFuse Device Agent"
Click on upload file and select the device.yml configuration from step 1
The Device Agent connects automatically to your FlowFuse instance. Ensure your ctrlX has a network connection to your FlowFuse platform (e.g. FlowFuse Cloud) and to the npmjs registry.