Running the Device Agent


If the agent was installed as a global npm module, the command flowfuse-device-agent will be on the path.

If the default working directory and config file are being used, then the agent can be started with:


By default, Node-RED will listen to port 1880, you can change there using the options detailed here.

This will start the agent, set the Remote Instance in the default of fleet mode, and connect to FlowFuse, waiting until a Target Snapshot has been assigned to it, or it is assigned to an Application.

When assigned to an instance:

Once the agent has been assigned a Target Snapshot, it will download the Snapshot and deploy it to the Remote Instance.

When assigned to an application:

Once the agent has been assigned to an application it starts up. If the device is new, it will get a default set of flows which can be edited directly. See Editing the Node-RED flows on a Remote Instance that is assigned to an application for details.

Device Agent Command Line Options

The following command line options are available:


  -c, --config file     Device configuration file. Default: device.yml
  -d, --dir dir         Where the agent should store its state. Default: /opt/flowfuse-device
  -i, --interval secs
  -p, --port number
  -m, --moduleCache     Use local npm module cache rather than install

Web UI Options

  -w, --ui            Start the Web UI Server (optional, does not run by default)
  --ui-host string    Web UI server host. Default: ( (listen on all interfaces)
  --ui-port number    Web UI server port. Default: 1879
  --ui-user string    Web UI username. Required if --ui is specified
  --ui-pass string    Web UI password. Required if --ui is specified
  --ui-runtime mins   Time the Web UI server is permitted to run. Default: 10

Setup command

  -o, --otc string   Setup device using a one time code
  -u, --ff-url url   URL of FlowFuse. Required for setup

Global Options

  -h, --help       print out helpful usage information
  --version        print out version information
  -v, --verbose    turn on debugging output

Command Line Examples

Start the agent with a different port number

flowfuse-device-agent -p 8080

Start the agent with a different working directory and the Web UI enabled

flowfuse-device-agent -d /path/to/working/directory -w --ui-user admin --ui-pass password --ui-port 8081

Running behind a HTTP Proxy

If the Remote Instance is behind a HTTP proxy, the agent can be configured to use the proxy by setting the http_proxy, https_proxy or all_proxy environment variables.

If necessary, the no_proxy environment variable can be used to specify a list of hosts that should not be accessed via the proxy.

For connecting to FlowFuse Cloud, the https_proxy variable should be set to your proxy URL. This environment variable will be used by the agent for both the HTTP and MQTT connections.

Example setting the proxy environment variables on Linux

# Set the https_proxy environment variable
export https_proxy=http://my-proxy:3128
# Set the no_proxy environment variable to exclude local addresses and all hosts in the domain
export no_proxy=localhost,,
# Start the agent

To make these settings permanent, see the documentation for your Linux distribution.

Example setting the proxy environment variables on Windows

# Set the https_proxy environment variable
set https_proxy=http://my-proxy:3128
# Set the no_proxy environment variable to exclude local addresses and all hosts in the domain
set no_proxy=localhost,,
# Start the agent

To make these settings permanent, see the documentation for your version of Windows.

Running with no access to

By default, the Device Agent will try and download the correct version of Node-RED and any nodes required to run the Snapshot that is assigned to run on the Remote Instance.

If the Remote Instance is being run on an offline network or security policies prevent the Device Agent from connecting to then it can be configured to use a pre-cached set of modules.

You can enable this mode by adding -m to the command line or adding moduleCache: true to the device.yml file. This will cause the Device Agent to load the modules from the module_cache directory in the Device Agents Working Directory (or whatever is set with the -d option) (e.g. /opt/flowfuse-device/module_cache.).

Creating a module cache

To create a suitable module cache, the device must be assigned to a Remote Instance. You will need to install the modules on a local device with access to, ensuring you use the same OS and Architecture as your target device, and then copy the modules on to your Remote Instance.

  1. From the Snapshot page, select the snapshot you want to deploy and select the option to download its package.json file.
  2. Place this file in an empty directory on your local device.
  3. Run npm install to install the modules. This will create a node_modules directory.
  4. On your target Remote Instance, create a directory called module_cache inside the Device Agent Configuration directory.
  5. Copy the node_modules directory from your local instance to the target instance so that it is under the module_cache directory.