- Starting (first time) The nr-laucher process is starting up. On container based systems this is done by creating a container
- Loading nr-launcher pulling instance settings
- Installing Once the nr-launcher process has started and downloaded the Instance settings it will npm install any nodes in the settings -> palette section.
- Starting (second time) Once any nodes are installed the Node-RED process will be started, this state ends once the process can will respond to HTTP request
- Running The normal state for an Instance
- Restarting If the "Restart" action is triggered the nr-launcher will restart just the NR process inside the container. It will pull the latest settings data from the Forge app. A restart will also be triggered if the NR process fails to respond to 3 HTTP health checks in a row. Health checks run ever 7 seconds by default.
- Suspending driver has been asked to suspend the Instance
- Suspended When an instance is Suspended the Node-RED process is stopped and the nr-launcher shutdown, the container is then shutdown and removed on container based platforms
- Safe Node-RED can be started in Safe Mode, this starts the Editor but does not run the flows. This is to allow a user to edit the flow to fix a problem. The flows are started when the flows are deployed. This is triggered if the NR process restarts more than 5 times with a run time of less than 30 seconds between each restart.
- Stopped If the NR process continues to crash while in Safe Mode then it will be placed in to a Stopped state. The nr-launcher is still running but the NR process is not.
direction TB
InstanceCreated: Instance Created
state "nr-launcher" as nrLauncher {
direction TB
Safe: Safe Mode
LoadingSettings --> NPM: loading
NPM --> NPM: installing
NPM --> NodeRED: starting
NodeRED --> NodeRED: restarting
NodeRED --> NodeRED: running
NodeRED --> Safe: safe
Safe --> Stopped: crashed
InstanceDeleted: Instance Deleted
InstanceSuspended: Instance Suspended
[*] --> InstanceCreated
InstanceCreated --> nrLauncher : starting
nrLauncher --> InstanceDeleted
nrLauncher --> InstanceSuspended: suspending
InstanceSuspended --> nrLauncher: starting
InstanceSuspended --> InstanceSuspended: suspended
InstanceDeleted --> [*]