Team Broker configuration

The FlowFuse Team Broker makes use of an EMQX instance.


  • Docker

Configuration files

Create a directory where the configuration for your broker will live. Create the following three files, with their respective content, in that directory:


authentication = [
    backend = http
    body {
      clientId = "${clientid}"
      password = "${password}"
      username = "${username}"
    connect_timeout = "15s"
    enable = true
    enable_pipelining = 100
    headers {
      content-type = "application/json"
    mechanism = password_based
    method = post
    pool_size = 8
    request_timeout = "5s"
    ssl {
      ciphers = []
      depth = 10
      enable = false
      hibernate_after = "5s"
      log_level = notice
      reuse_sessions = true
      secure_renegotiate = true
      verify = verify_peer
      versions = [
    url = "http://host.docker.internal:3000/api/comms/v2/auth"
    backend = built_in_database
    bootstrap_file = "${EMQX_ETC_DIR}/auth-built-in-db-bootstrap.csv"
    bootstrap_type = plain
    enable = true
    mechanism = password_based
    password_hash_algorithm {name = plain, salt_position = disable}
    user_id_type = username
authorization {
  cache {
    enable = true
    excludes = []
    max_size = 32
    ttl = "1m"
  deny_action = ignore
  no_match = allow
  sources = [
      body {
        action = "${action}"
        topic = "${topic}"
        username = "${username}"
      connect_timeout = "15s"
      enable = true
      enable_pipelining = 100
      headers {
        content-type = "application/json"
      method = post
      pool_size = 8
      request_timeout = "30s"
      ssl {
        ciphers = []
        depth = 10
        enable = false
        hibernate_after = "5s"
        log_level = notice
        reuse_sessions = true
        secure_renegotiate = true
        verify = verify_peer
        versions = [
      type = http
      url = "http://host.docker.internal:3000/api/comms/v2/acls"
      enable = false
      path = "data/authz/acl.conf"
      type = file
listeners {
  tcp {
    default {
      acceptors = 16
      access_rules = [
        "allow all"
      bind = ""
      enable = true
      enable_authn = true
      max_conn_rate = infinity
      max_connections = infinity
      mountpoint = "${}"
      proxy_protocol = false
      proxy_protocol_timeout = "3s"
      tcp_options {
        active_n = 100
        backlog = 1024
        buffer = "4KB"
        high_watermark = "1MB"
        keepalive = none
        nodelay = true
        reuseaddr = true
        send_timeout = "15s"
        send_timeout_close = true
      zone = default
  ws {
    default {
      acceptors = 16
      access_rules = [
        "allow all"
      bind = ""
      enable = true
      enable_authn = true
      max_conn_rate = infinity
      max_connections = infinity
      mountpoint = "${}"
      proxy_protocol = false
      proxy_protocol_timeout = "3s"
      tcp_options {
        active_n = 100
        backlog = 1024
        buffer = "4KB"
        high_watermark = "1MB"
        keepalive = none
        nodelay = true
        reuseaddr = true
        send_timeout = "15s"
        send_timeout_close = true
      websocket {
        allow_origin_absence = true
        check_origin_enable = false
        check_origins = "http://localhost:18083,"
        compress = false
        deflate_opts {
          client_context_takeover = takeover
          client_max_window_bits = 15
          mem_level = 8
          server_context_takeover = takeover
          server_max_window_bits = 15
          strategy = default
        fail_if_no_subprotocol = true
        idle_timeout = "7200s"
        max_frame_size = infinity
        mqtt_path = "/"
        mqtt_piggyback = multiple
        proxy_address_header = "x-forwarded-for"
        proxy_port_header = "x-forwarded-port"
        supported_subprotocols = "mqtt, mqtt-v3, mqtt-v3.1.1, mqtt-v5"
        validate_utf8 = true
      zone = default
dashboard {
  default_password = topSecret
api_key {
  bootstrap_file = "/mounted/config/api-keys"


{allow, {username, {re, "^dashboard$"}}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, all, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.

{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

{allow, all}.




The following docker command should be run in the directory the configuration files were stored.

docker run -d --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/cluster.hocon:/opt/emqx/data/configs/cluster.hocon \
  -v $(pwd)/api-keys:/mounted/config/api-keys \
  -v $(pwd)/acl.conf:/opt/emqx/data/authz/acl.conf \
  --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
  -p 1883:1883 -p 8083:8083 -p 18083:18083 --name emqx emqx/emqx:5.8.0

Configuring FlowFuse

Make sure the broker section of the flowfuse.yml is updated as follows

  url: mqtt://[::1]:1883
  public_url: ws://<ip-of-dev-computer>:8083
    enabled: true

Access to the EQMX Dashboard

You can log into the EMQX Dashboard at http://locahost:18083

Username: admin Password: topSecret