- docs
- FlowFuse User Manuals
- Using FlowFuse
- Getting Started
- Static asset service
- Bill of Materials
- FlowFuse Concepts
- Changing the Stack
- Custom Hostnames
- Device Groups
- DevOps Pipelines
- Environment Variables
- FlowFuse Assistant
- FlowFuse File Nodes
- FlowFuse Project Nodes
- High Availability mode
- HTTP Access Tokens
- Instance Settings
- Logging
- persistent-context
- Shared Team Library
- Snapshots
- Team Broker
- Teams
- User Settings
- FlowFuse API
- Migrating a Node-RED project to FlowFuse
- Device Agent
- Device Agent
- FlowFuse Device Agent Introduction
- Quick Start
- Installation
- Register your Remote Instance
- Running the Agent
- Deploying your Flows
- Hardware Guides
- FlowFuse Cloud
- FlowFuse Cloud
- FlowFuse Self-Hosted
- Quick Start
- Installing FlowFuse
- Overview
- Configuring FlowFuse
- DNS Setup
- Docker install
- Docker from AWS Market Place
- Docker on Digital Ocean
- Add Project Stacks on Docker
- Docker Engine on Windows
- Email configuration
- First Run Setup
- FlowFuse File Storage
- Install FlowFuse on Kubernetes
- Upgrading FlowFuse
- Administering FlowFuse
- Administering FlowFuse
- Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Licensing
- Monitoring
- Telemetry
- User Management
- Support
- Community Support
- Premium Support
- Debugging Node-RED issues
- Contributing
- Contributing to FlowFuse
- Introduction
- Adding Template Settings
- API Design
- Creating debug stack containers
- Database migrations
- FlowFuse Architecture
- Local Install
- State Flows
- Device Editor
- Invite External Users
- User Login Flows
- Reset Password Flow
- Project Creation
- Instance states
- User Sign up Flow
- Team creation Flow
- Team Broker
- Working with Feature Flags
# Billing
# Payment Methods
We will accept payments via credit or debit card only using Stripe as our payment provider. All payments are processed in US Dollars.
# Team Billing
Each team has its own billing subscription that includes charges for the Node-RED instances and Devices owned by the team.
# Billing Cycle
Starter plan teams are billed monthly on the anniversary of the team creation. You will receive one bill for each team.
For Team plan teams, Node-RED Instances and Devices are added as pro-rated charges on the current billing cycle and invoiced at the end of the cycle.
# Removing Instances
For Team plan teams, when a Node-RED instance is deleted your account will receive pro-rated credit for the time remaining in the billing cycle.
# Suspended Instances
Suspended Node-RED instances have no running editor, nor a runtime. You are not charged for suspended instances.
For Team plan teams, when an instance is suspended your account will receive pro-rated credit for the time remaining in the billing cycle. When an instance is restarted it will be charged for the remaining time in the billing cycle.
# Managing Billing Details
Click on "Billing" followed by "Stripe Customer Portal" to get a summary of the team's current subscription. You'll be redirected to a Stripe customer portal where you can update customer details as: The credit card on file and the billing information.
# Failed Payments
If your payment fails for any reason you will receive a notification to the billing email address, you may need to login and update the card on file. Stripe will retry the payment several times over a number of days. If the card repeatedly fails your Node-RED instances will be suspended and a banner will be displayed at the top of the page for all users. An admin will need to update your card details to be able to create new instances or restart them.
# Cancelling your subscription
To cancel your subscription you can either delete or suspend your team; both options are available under the Team Settings page.
Deleting the team will remove all of the team's instances and devices - they cannot be recovered after being deleted.
Suspending the team will stop all of your team's instances and devices and cancel your subscription so no further charges are made. You will not be able to do anything more with the team whilst it is suspended. You can unsuspend the team in the future by setting up a new payment subscription.
When deleting the team, if you have outstanding credit you can request a refund via a support ticket, include the Team ID in your email.