Community News May 2023

Your monthly update for the FlowFuse and Node-RED communities

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Welcome to the FlowFuse newsletter for May 2023, a monthly roundup of what’s been happening with both FlowFuse and the wider Node-RED community.

Upcoming events

Ask Me Anything about Debugging Node-RED

Our monthly Node-RED AMA session will have a special focus on debugging. Nick and Rob will lead us through some useful debug workflows to show how they approach debugging Node-RED applications. During the live coding sessions there will be opportunities for attendees to ask questions in real-time. Join us to learn from the experts on the tips and tricks for debugging Node-RED flows. Sign-up today to participate.

Getting Started with Node-RED Dashboard

How can you use Node-RED to create dashboards and interactive graphs of your data? The answer is the Node-RED Dashboard node, the most popular node in the Node-RED community. In this webinar, Rob Marcer will take you through the steps of how to get started with the Node-RED Dashboard. Register today.

From our Blog

Chat GPT in Node-RED Function Nodes - Use Chat GPT to write Node-RED functions directly in the Node-RED interface.

Securing Node-RED - A look at how you can secure Node-RED deployments.

Node-RED Community Health - Some key community metrics for the Node-RED community.

FlowFuse's visit to Hannover Messe 2023 - Our CEO and Product Manager visited Hannover Messe in Germany; one of the largest trade shows for manufacturing.

FlowFuse 1.6 Now Available - FlowFuse 1.6 included support for multi-instance Node-RED within a single application as well as support for logging from remote devices.

Node-RED Tips - Subflows, Link Nodes, and the Range Node

From the Community

Jsonata is a very useful and often underutilised tool built into Node-RED. Steve over at Steve's Node-RED Guide has published a great beginners guide. If you are new to Jsonata and want to learn more we recommend you take a look.

Custom Node Spotlight - node-red-contrib-queue-gate

Queue Gate is a handy custom node which allows you to control the flow of messages. You might wish to queue up all the messages in a flow and then release them all, once an hour. Maybe you want to release just one message at a time and wait until the prior message completed a section of your flow. Queue Gate makes message queuing really easy without the need to use an external queue solution.

Join Our Team

FlowFuse is expanding our team. Check out the current openings:

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Head of Professional Services

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