FlowFuse Assistant Writes JSON
The FlowFuse Assistant can now assist you by generating JSON.
Wherever you edit JSON in the Rich Monaco Editor you will see the "Ask the FlowFuse Assistant 🪄" code lens. That includes the Inject Node, the Template Node and any contrib node that uses the built-in editor for writing JSON.
We think you will find this to be a great time saver and a good helper when you are unsure of the syntax.
Just ask for what you want and it does a decent job of figuring it out.
Here are some examples:
# Asking the Assistant to generate JSON from within the template
# Asking the Assistant to generate JSON from within the inject
node for the payload
This is just the beginning of the FlowFuse Assistant's capabilities. Stay tuned!
# Updating the Assistant to get these new features
If you are running Node-RED v4.x, head over to the Palette Manager, update the plugin and restart your instance.
If you are still running Node-RED v3.x, you can update the plugin by adding @flowfuse/nr-assistant
to the instance settings then restart it.
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