FlowFuse 0.10 released

Secure HTTP end points, Read-only users and Static outbound IPs

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Secure your HTTP endpoints, create read-only users in your teams and use our static IP address for outbound traffic

Keep reading for the details of what's in this release or you can watch our 1 minute roundup video of the new release above.

We're pleased to announce version 0.10 is now available. The next release of the FlowFuse application containing new features, a number of improvements, and bug fixes. Keep reading for a promotion code to get your first month free on FlowFuse Cloud.


Secure HTTP Endpoints We've added the ability for you to secure your HTTP endpoints. You can now control who can access Dashboards or API endpoints you create in FlowFuse.

Read-only Users We've added a new user role for Read-only access. This will allow users to login to your FlowFuse project and view the Node-RED flows without them being able to edit anything.

Static Outbound IP Addresses We've updated FlowFuse Cloud so that all outbound traffic from your projects now comes from a single IP address. When trying to access a remote resource such as a database it is often a requirement for the IP address the traffic comes from to be fixed.


We've made a number of improvements to the overall experience of running FlowFuse.

  • Allow both key and component in a ff-data-table column definition #43
  • Default Stack and Templates #989
  • Provide platform containers and base stack container for administrators #917

Bug Fixes

We've fixed the following bugs in this release.


We'd like the thank the following for their contributions to this release:

Pezmc for their work on Add device count and project counts by type to admin

ArshErgon for their work on Update vue component name for NoVerifiedEmail.vue

As an open-source project, we welcome the community involvement in what we're building. If you're interested in contributing, checkout our guide in the docs.

Try it out

Sign up for FlowFuse Cloud with this link or at the checkout enter the code RELEASE010 to get your first project free for a month.

Upgrading FlowFuse

FlowFuse Cloud is already running 0.10 and the stacks updated. Upgrade your project stacks to the latest version to make sure you get all the latest changes.

If you installed a previous version of FlowFuse and want to upgrade, our documentation provides a guide for upgrading FlowFuse on a local server.

Getting help

If you hit any problems with the platform, or have questions to ask, please do raise an issue on GitHub. That also includes if you have any feedback or feature requests.

Customers of FlowFuse Cloud can raise a ticket by emailing support@flowfuse.com

We also have a #flowfuse channel on the Node-RED Slack workspace.

Written By:

Head of Professional Services

Published on:

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